Quality Remodeling Blog


Renovation Inspirations for your Laundry Room


laundry-roomThere are many ways to improve your home laundry. This is especially true if, like most of us, you find yourself with only a very small space in which to work. These ideas will help you get the most out of that space.

Make your laundry room a multi-purpose room:

If you have a very small laundry, you may be better off moving your washer and dryer somewhere else (like your garage) and using the room for another purpose altogether. Small rooms make for great storage places. A small laundry could be turned into a tool storage room, a holiday storage room, even a small guest bedroom.

Find ways to save space:

Stackable washer and dryer setups – A stackable washer and dryer will save you a ton of space on your floor. Perhaps more importantly, they can be placed off in a tight corner which you probably would not have been able to find a good use for anyway. Plumbing requirements aside, this is an easy way to free up space in your laundry room for nice conveniences like a fold-out ironing board, laundry supplies, clothes folding table, and even a little bit of general storage.

Renovate the room:

Now that you’ve either emptied your small laundry entirely, or at least saved a significant amount of space, you can put the room to a new use. If your laundry was attached to, or near, a bedroom, consider a walk-in closet. These are very convenient because they allow you to organize your closet more easily and find what you are looking for more quickly. Also, walk-in closets are a great and simple way to increase your property value, especially if you live in an area where walk-in closets are atypical. Other potential uses include a play room, game room, and small restroom. Regardless of what your preferences are, odds are good that you’ll be able to find somewhere else to put your laundry machines. Once done, your newly-vacant laundry room can be renovated into a number of things. You can either do it yourself, or contact quality remodeling. We offer great deals, great service, and we can even expand a room if you still need a little more space. Call us today at (773) 509-0200.

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